An importance-performance analysis of using farmers in a rice co-nursery : Focus on the East Gunsan Agricultural Cooperative

  • 투고 : 2016.01.26
  • 심사 : 2016.03.07
  • 발행 : 2016.03.31


With an aging population in rural areas, farm owners in South Korea are also aging. In particular, this phenomenon leads to the lack of human resources in rural areas and agriculture, worsening the deterioration of the rural economy. This study aimed, firstly, to analyze the criticality of the lack of human resources and high production cost issues for farmers, before using the farm as cooperative nursery of rice seedlings. Secondly, the study analyzed farmer satisfaction after using the farm cooperative. Analysis results are as follows. The motives of the research subjects for using the co-nursery were the aging of the farming population, the expected reduction of production costs, and farmers' failure in raising seedlings. Importance-performance analysis measured the importance for the farms for cooperative raising of rice seedling at 3.49 and the performance for the farms at 3.41, with a difference of 0.07 between them. The four importance-performance matrix areas, used were as follows: concentrated efforts required (Quadrant I: concentrate here), continuous maintenance (Quadrant II: keep up the good work), gradual improvement (Quadrant III: low priority), and avoiding excessive efforts (Quadrant IV: possible overkill). Based on the results, it was concluded that improvements and efforts would be necessary for each of these areas. And, there is a need to improve services through the initiation of farmer use of this rice co-nursery.



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