Symmetry Detection Through Hybrid Use Of Location And Direction Of Edges

  • Received : 2016.03.04
  • Accepted : 2016.03.30
  • Published : 2016.04.29


Symmetry is everywhere in the world around us from galaxy to microbes. From ancient times symmetry is considered to be a reflection of the harmony of universe. Symmetry is not only a significant clue for human cognitive process, but also useful information for computer vision such as image understanding system. Application areas include face detection and recognition, indexing of image database, image segmentation and detection, analysis of medical images, and so on. The technique used in this paper extracts edges, and the perpendicular bisector of any two edge points is considered to be a candidate axis of symmetry. The coefficients of candidate axis are accumulated in the coefficient space. Then the axis of symmetry is determined to be the line for which the coefficient histogram has maximum value. In this paper, an improved method is proposed that utilizes the directional information of edges, which is a byproduct of the edge detection process. Experiment on 20 test images shows that the proposed method performs 22.7 times faster than the original method. In another test on 5 images with 4% salt-and-pepper noise, the proposed method detects the symmetry successfully, while the original method fails. This result reveals that the proposed method enhances the speed and accuracy of detection process at the same time.



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