Analysis of Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (PONED) Services in Baso Public Health Center, Indonesia: Recommendations from Qualitative Interviews

  • Hasnita, Evi (Fort De Kock Health Sciences College Bukittinggi)
  • Published : 2016.05.31


One of the main indicators of the health status of a country is the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). In order to improve the MMR in Indonesia, the government has made a number of primary health centers (PHC) capable of providing basic obstetric and neonatal emergency care (PONED) services. The aim of this research is to learn how well PONED services have been implemented at the Baso PHC in Agam Regency as of 2015. We used a qualitative approach, with in-depth interviews and observations from June-August 2015. Ten respondents participated in the in-depth interviews, and observations were made about the infrastructure. The validity of the data is based on the standard of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability of the content of the interviews. The analysis shows that there are still some obstacles in PONED PHC implementation, including the lack of human resources at the PHC and insufficient facilities, funding, and oversight, which causes many cases that should be handled by a PONED team to be referred to the hospital. Suggestions are provided to help improve policies and ultimately patient care.



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