Correlation between Curriculum of Clothings Area of College and National Teacher's Examination in Home Economics Subjects

의생활 영역 교과과정과 가정과 중등임용고사 경향의 연관성

  • Kim, Kyung-Sook (Dept. of Home Economics Education, Catholic Kwandong University) ;
  • Lee, Hee Hyun (Dept. of Home Economics Education, Catholic Kwandong University)
  • 김경숙 (가톨릭관동대학교 사범대학 가정교육과) ;
  • 이희현 (가톨릭관동대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • Received : 2016.10.28
  • Accepted : 2016.12.05
  • Published : 2016.12.31


This study looked into how Colleges of Education around the country about how they are composing the curriculum to achieve the goal of Home Economics Subjects' national teachers training, how National Teacher's Examination's questions are set and which correlation is between university's curriculum composition and National Teacher's Examination questions and they were mainly focused on clothing area. For this study, 11 Colleges of Education's Home Management Major's curriculum and clothing area of Home Economic Subjects' National Teacher's Examination's questions from 2010~2016 were analyzed, and it will be summarized in the following. First, in College of Education's Home Management department, clothing area is organized with minimum of 4 to maximum of 12 different subjects. 'Textiles and Care for Textiles' and 'Design for Clothing' which is needed for the very basic subject completion for certificate to become a Home Economic Subject's teacher were included in all the university's curriculums and depending on the department's characteristics, 1~10 extra subjects were composited. Second, there were 34 questions on the exam of National Teacher's Examination in Home Economic subjects, and the results were 10~12 out of 80 each year according to the record of recent 7 years which is from 2010 to 2016. In the Clothing Area, 31 questions included various materials such as pictures, graphs, dialogues, explanations, examples and others, and 19 questions had more than 2 data overlapping. Third, as a result of looking into the correlation between the questions of Curriculum of Clothing Area of College and National Teacher's Examination, there were most questions from the curriculum of basic subject of completion. This means, 18 questions were related to 'Textiles and Care for Textiles' and 'Design for Clothing' and there was 8 questions related to 'Construction of Clothing' which was the second most. The result of this study will help effecting setting exam questions for Home Economic Subject's National Teacher's Examination and Home Management's Curriculum of Clothing Area College being amended.



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