Repair Accumulation Cost for the Long-Term Repair Plan in Multifamily Housing Using the Forecasting Model of the Repair Cost

공종별 수선비용 추계모델을 활용한 공동주택 장기수선충당금 적립금액 산정

  • Received : 2016.05.27
  • Accepted : 2016.06.10
  • Published : 2016.06.30


Purpose: Apartment housing should conduct a cyclic repair to keep and maintain the building performance since they are constructed. Therefore, the repair plan would be provided for long term period which explains the repair time, items and repair cost. Residents of apartment housing are responsible to pay for the repair activities. For repair cost, residents would reserve the money for repair little by little continuously until the required repair time because the repair cost takes a big burden for residents and lots of money a time. But, there is no systematic approach to provide the long term repair cost because it is no proper forecast of the repair cost to the upcoming repair time. In this study, it aimed at providing the monthly accumulation of the long term repair cost with the survey data in Seoul. Method: For these, the surveyed data are classified into 6 categories and number of data are 1,918. In addition, it developed the repair cost model for the 24 repair works and the cumulation function which is reflected with the each cost model. Result: This study are shown as follows : First, among the various estimation for the repair cost, the power function has a goodness of fit in statistics. Second, the monthly accumulation would be 12,840 won/household in size of $100,000m^2$ management area and $81.7won/m^2$ in size of the 1,000 household number during 40 years.



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