송대 선종사원의 승당과 고원 배치 전통

A Study on the Tradition of the Setting of Seungdang and Gowon in the Zen Buddhist Temples of Song Dynasty

  • 투고 : 2016.06.15
  • 심사 : 2016.08.08
  • 발행 : 2016.08.31


The purpose of this study is to clarify the historical background of the setting of seungdang(僧堂) and gowon (庫院) in the Zen Buddhist temples of Song dynasty, in terms of as a Buddhist temple universality and as a Zen temple specificity, through the historical reference investigation on its relevance to the Buddhist temples of Tang dynasty. In the Zen Buddhist temples of Song dynasty, the Zen meditation space of seungdang was located on the west side of Buddha hall, and the kitchen and officiating priest's living space of gowon was located on the east side of Buddha hall. Through the analysis of historical reference it was confirmed that, in the Buddhist temples of Tang dynasty, the Zen meditation section of seonwon(禪院) was on the west side, and the gowon was on the east side too. Therefore, it can be said that, the setting method of seungdang and gowon of the Zen Buddhist temples of Song dynasty was established above tradition of the Tang dynasty Buddhist temples.



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