Vehicle and marine navigation which are currently being commercialized provide route guidance service by specifying a fixed position as a destination. In the route guidance service of existing navigation, if the destination has to be changed in the middle, a new destination must be designated again to obtain the navigation service. However, if the destination can't be designated, it is difficult to clearly use it. In this paper, in order to overcome the difficulties of directions in the existing navigation, a new navigation specifying moving targets as the destination has been developed to get the directions. A proposed system is that a group is made and a group manager is appointed as a destination and then a user can get the route guidance based on location of the group manager. In the service way, relationship between the group manager and user is one-to-many and relationship between the user and group manager is one-to-one. The proposed technology is able to provide services that the user can easily find the moving targets such as the positioning surrogate drivers, tracking routes and location among travelers and finding children.