- KIM Chi Young, The International Movement on Attempts of Modernization of Mathematical Education, J. Korean Soc. Math. Ed. Ser. A: The Mathematical Education 5(4) (1967), 110-119.(金致榮, 數學敎育 現代化에 對한 各國의 動向, 韓國數學敎育(學)會 시리즈 A 數學敎育 5(4) (1967), 110-119.)
- KIM Chi Young et al., Introduction Seminar on UICSM, MESC: UICSM Seminar (1968) 1-13.(金致榮.金相萬.李興天.吳炳承.朴漢植.鄭雲慶.金應泰.嚴相燮, 韓國數學敎育硏究會 UICSM 세미나 (1968), 1-13.)
- KIM Chi Young, Axiomaticalism and Structuralism on Modern Mathematics, Yonsei Univ. Educational Science 9 (1976), 113-125.(金致榮, 現代 數學에 있어서의 公理主義와 構造主義, 연세교육과학 9 (1976), 113-125.)
- KIM Young Wook, Missing Memories of My Father Kim Chi Young, Proceedings of The Korean Society for History of Mathematics 26(1) (2016), 15-24.
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, The REVOLUTION in School Mathematics, Washington, 1961.
- PARK Han Shik, Historical Development of Mathematics Education in Korea, in Asian Perspectives on Mathematics Education (Editor: G. Bell), The Northern Rivers Mathematical Association, Lismore, 1993, 136-148.
- PARK Pyung U, The Modernization of Math Education in Korea and the Topologist 'Kim Chi Young' (in Korean), Daehak Gyoyuk (College Education) 111 (2001), 78-81.(박평우, 한국 수학 교육의 현대화와 위상수학자 '김치영', 대학교육 111 (2001), 78-81.)
- Collection of Dissertations on Bumwoo KIM Chi Young's Sixtieth Birthday, Kyohaksa, 1977.(凡愚 金致榮博士 華甲 記念論文集 發刊委員會, <<凡愚 金致榮博士 華甲 記念論文集>>, 敎學社, 1977.)