에너지회생스너버를 적용한 하이브리드 3레벨 DC/DC 컨버터

Hybrid Three-Level DC/DC Converter using an Energy Recovery Snubber

  • 투고 : 2016.10.07
  • 심사 : 2016.12.05
  • 발행 : 2017.02.20


This paper describes a hybrid multi-output three-level DC/DC converter suitable for a wide, high-input voltage range of an auxiliary power supply for a high-power photovoltaic generating system. In a high-power photovoltaic generating system, the solar panel output voltage depends on solar radiation quantity and varies from 450Vdc to 1100Vdc. The proposed hybrid multi-output three-level DC/DC converter, which is an auxiliary power supply, would be used as power source for control printed circuit boards and relay and cooling fans in a high-power photovoltaic generating system. The proposed multi-output ($24V_{DC}/30A$, $230V_{DC}/5A$) hybrid three-level boost converter, which uses an energy recovery snubber, is controlled by variable-frequency and phase-shifted modulations and can achieve zero-voltage switching with all operating conditions of input voltage and load range. Experimental results of a 2kW prototype are evaluated and implemented to verify the performance of the proposed converter.



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