Phonological awareness skills in terms of visual and auditory stimulus and syllable position in typically developing children

청각적, 시각적 자극제시 방법과 음절위치에 따른 일반아동의 음운인식 능력

  • 최유미 (한림대학교 일반대학원 언어병리청각학과) ;
  • 하승희 (한림대학교)
  • Received : 2017.11.01
  • Accepted : 2017.12.14
  • Published : 2017.12.31


This study aims to compare the performance of syllable identification task according to auditory and visual stimuli presentation methods and syllable position. Twenty-two typically developing children (age 4-6) participated in the study. Three-syllable words were used to identify the first syllable and the final syllable in each word with auditory and visual stimuli. For the auditory stimuli presentation, the researcher presented the test word only with oral speech. For the visual stimuli presentation, the test words were presented as a picture, and asked each child to choose appropriate pictures for the task. The results showed that when tasks were presented visually, the performances of phonological awareness were significantly higher than in presenting with auditory stimuli. Also, the performances of the first syllable identification were significantly higher than those of the last syllable identification. When phonological awareness task are presented by auditory stimuli, it is necessary to go through all the steps of the speech production process. Therefore, the phonological awareness performance by auditory stimuli may be low due to the weakness of the other stages in the speech production process. When phonological awareness tasks are presented using visual picture stimuli, it can be performed directly at the phonological representation stage without going through the peripheral auditory processing, phonological recognition, and motor programming. This study suggests that phonological awareness skills can be different depending on the methods of stimulus presentation and syllable position of the tasks. The comparison of performances between visual and auditory stimulus tasks will help identify where children may show weakness and vulnerability in speech production process.



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