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Effects of Performing Dual Task on Temporospatial Gait Variables in Subjects With Subacute Stroke

  • 장영민 (국립재활원 물리치료실)
  • Jang, Young-Min (Department of Physical Therapy, National Rehabilitation Center)
  • 투고 : 2017.10.31
  • 심사 : 2017.11.27
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of performing a dual task on gait velocity, temporospatial variables, and symmetry in subjects with subacute stroke. Methods: The study included 14 independent community ambulators with gait velocity of 0.8m/s. The Korean mini-mental state examination, the Berg balance scale, the Trunk impairment scale, and the Fugl-Meyer assessment scale were used to recruit homogeneous subjects. Subjects performed a single task (10m ambulation at a comfortable speed) and a dual task (10m ambulation at a comfortable speed while carrying a water-filled glass). Gait variables were examined with the OptoGait system. Results: The findings of this study were as follows: 1) Gait velocity decreased significantly in the dual-task condition as compared to the single task condition. 2) There were no significant differences between the paretic and non-paretic stances. 3) Paretic swing decreased significantly in the dual-task condition as compared to the single task condition. 4) The non-paretic, double-limb support phase increased significantly in the dual-task condition as compared to the single- task condition. 5) There was no significant difference in temporal symmetry. 6) Non-paretic step length decreased significantly in the dual-task condition as compared to the single-task condition. 7) There was no significant difference in spatial symmetry. Conclusion: Performing dual tasks decreases gait velocity, paretic swing phase, and non-paretic step length, while it increases non-paretic double limb support. In addition, although there is no difference in temporospatial symmetry, there is high inter-subject variability in temporospatial symmetry. Thus, dual tasks should be selected in accordance with the functional level of the hemiplegic patient, and inter-subject variability of the individual should be considered when dual tasks are considered for gait-training of hemiplegic patients.



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