A study on the analysis of history of uniform convergence and its educational implications

평등 수렴의 역사에 대한 분석과 그 교육적 시사점에 대한 연구

  • Received : 2016.11.15
  • Accepted : 2017.01.25
  • Published : 2017.02.28


This study analyses on the history of uniform convergence, and discusses its educational implications. First, this study inspects 'overflowing of the Euclidean methodology' which was suggested by Lakatos as a cause of tardy appearance of uniform convergence, and reinterprets that cause in the perspective of 'symbolization'. Second, this study looks into the emergence of uniform convergence of Seidel and Weierstrass in this viewpoint of symbolization. As a result, of analysis, we come to know that the definition of uniform convergence had been changed into the theory of 'domain and graph' from that of 'point and function value' by the location change of the quantifier. As these results, this study puts forward an educational suggestion from an angle of epistemological obstacle, concept definition and concept image.



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