문헌정보학 학술지 논문의 질적 연구 동향 분석

Trends of Qualitative Research in Korean Library and Information Science Journals

  • 김갑선 (중원대학교 교양대학 교양학부)
  • 투고 : 2017.02.20
  • 심사 : 2017.03.22
  • 발행 : 2017.03.31


본 연구의 목적은 문헌정보학 학술지에 발표된 질적 연구논문의 연구 동향을 분석하여 발전의 지향점을 모색하고자 한다. 문헌정보학을 대표하는 4개 학술지의 2016년까지 총 73편(1.4%)의 논문을 선별하였다. 분석 결과, 1) 질적연구로 가장 선호하는 주제는 정보행태(39.7%)와 사서업무(20.5%)이다. 2) 연구 목적은 경험의 이해(60.2%)가 우세하였고, 그 다음으로는 현황 개선(30.1%)이다. 3) 선호하는 연구방법은 '일반 질적 연구'(26.0%), '무언급'(21.9%), 근거이론(13.6%), 현상학(10.9%), 사례연구(10.9%) 등 이다. 4) 연구의 참여자는 사서가 41.0%로 매우 우세하였다. 그 다음으로는 전문직 종사자(13.6%)이다. 5) 가장 선호하는 자료수집방법은 심층면담(20.5%), 면담(13.6%), 심층면담과 내부자료(9.5%)이다. 연구 결과, 문헌정보학 분야 질적 연구의 스펙트럼은 매우 다양하여, '느슨한 질적 연구'와 '과학성을 지향하는 질적 연구'가 공존하고 있었다. 문헌정보학의 질적 연구의 발전을 도모하기 위해서는 개인적 차원에서는 질적 연구자의 인식 고양, 엄격한 연구방법(자료수집, 분석과 해석, 타당성과 신뢰성)의 적용이 요구된다. 제도적 차원에서는, '질적 연구방법'의 교과목 설치, 심사자와 연구자의 질적 연구 수행과 이해를 돕기 위한 문헌정보학 질적 연구지침과 표준 제작이 필요하다.

The purpose of this study was to examine the trends of qualitative research in four representative journals in Korean LIS from 1970 to 2016. 73 papers(1.4%) were analyzed focusing on publication year, subject areas, research purposes, authors, qualitative methods, research participants, data collection methods, data analysis methods, and methods of validation. The findings are as follows: 1) Information behaviour(39.7%) was the most researched topics, followed by librarians work(20.5%), and bibliotherapy & reading education(13.6%). 2) The most frequently used research purpose was for understanding experiences(60.2%) and for improving current state(30.1%). 3) 'Grounded theory'(13.6%) and 'phenomenology'(10.9%), 'case study'(10.9%), were used frequently, while 'non-specified qualitative method' was 26.0% and 'not indicated' was 21.9%. 4) Librarians (41.0%) were the most researched participants, followed by professionals(13.6%). To collect qualitative data, in-depth interview(20.5%), interview(13.6%), and in-depth interview & internal documents(9.5%) were frequently used. There are 'loose qualitative research' group and 'scientific qualitative research' group. LIS researchers using qualitative research methods should consistently make efforts to increase qualitative theory and the philosophical assumptions, and to apply rigorous research method (data collection, analysis and interpretation, sampling, data saturation, validity and reliability). Institutionally, It is to provide 'qualitative research methods' course and to develop guidelines and standards for LIS qualitative research authors and reviewers.



  1. Chang Durk-Hyun. 2001. "Discourse Analysis in Library and Information Science Research." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 32(2): 269-288.
  2. Chang Durk-Hyun. 2002. "Employing Ethnographic Research Methods in Information Barriers Research." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 30(2): 55-75.
  3. Chung, Jin Soo. 2003. "Learning with information in an Infomration-Rich Environment." Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 20(4): 135-158.
  4. Kim, Jung-Gun. 1998. What is Ethnography in Academic Research. Seoul: Hanulmplus.
  5. Kim, Jung-Gun, Chang Durk-Hyun. 1994. "A Study on the Present Stage of the Development of Public Libraries in Korea: A Qualitative Analysis of the Consciousness of Librarians in Their Everyday Lives in Pusan- Kyongnam Area Public Libraries." Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 27: 3-73.
  6. Kim, Jung-Gun, Chang Durk-Hyun. 1999. "Methodological Implications of Everyday Life Research in Library and Information Science: With Special Reference to Current Research Trends." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 30(2):
  7. Kim, Jung-Gun. Lee Young Jae. 1996. "The Library & Information Science Research in Korea and Ethnographic Method." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 24: 107-161.
  8. Kim, Jung-Gun. Kim Soon-hwa. 1996. "A Portrait of Physical Environment and Human Resources in Municipal Public Libraries: With a Special Reference to the City of "Paek-tu"." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 26: 333-363.
  9. Kim, Kapseon. 2015. "Teaching Qualitative Research Methods in Library and Information Science." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 46(3): 255-275.
  10. Lee, Ho-Sin. 2015. "Narrative Inquiry, As a Research Methodology for Library and Information Science." Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 49(1): 149-172.
  11. Lee, Jae-Whaon, Lee Yeon-Ok, Chang Durk-Hyun.2004. "Methodology in Information Behavior Research of Minority Groups." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 30(2): 55-75.
  12. Lee, Jae-Whaon, Youn You-Ra. 2005. "Life and Information Poverty of Foreign Labor 'H'." Journal of the Korean Biblia Society forLibrary and Information Science, 16(1): 181-202.
  13. Lee, Myeong Hee. 2005. "Some Trends and Issues of Qualitative Research Method in Library and Information Science." Journal of the Korean Biblia Society for Library and Information Science, 16(2): 177-201.
  14. Lee, So-Yeon. 2000. "Qualitative Study on Organizational Culture of an Academic Library: A Case Study of New Millennium Library." Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 34(4): 123-142.
  15. Lee, Soo-Sang. 1994. "A Discussion on Indegenous Setting of Library and Information Science in Korea." Doseogwan, 49(3): 63-84.
  16. Ryu, Ki-ung. et al. 2012. Qualitative Research Methods. Seoul: Pakyoungsa.
  17. Seol, Moon-Won, Cha Mikyeong. 1999. "Some implication Trends and Issues of Qualitative Research in Library and Information Science." 40th Anniversary of Founding Depart. of Library and Information Science of Ewha Womans University. Seoul: EWU. 65-92.
  18. Bamkin, Marianne, Sally Maynard, and Anne Goulding. 2016. "Grounded Theory and Ethnography Combined: A Methodology to Study Children's Interactions on Children's Mobile Libraries." Journal of Documentation, 72(2): 214-231.
  19. Budd, John M. 2005. "Phenomenology and Information Studies." Journal of Documentation, 61(1): 44-59.
  20. Cibangu, Sylvain K. and Mark Hepworth. 2016. "The Uses of Phenomenology and Phenomenography: A Critical Review." Library & Information Science Research, 38(2): 148-160.
  21. Cook, Douglas, and Lesley Farmer. ed. 2011. Using Qualitative Methods in Action Research: How Librarians Can Get to the Why of Data. Association of College and Research Libraries, Chicago, IL.
  22. Eisenhart, Margaret and Susan Jurow. 2011. Teaching Qualitative Research in The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. 4th ed. ed. by Denzin, Norman K. Yvonna S. Lincoln. Los Angeles: Sage.
  23. Forster, Marc. 2015. "Phenomenography: A Methodology for Information Literacy Research." Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 48(4): 353-362.
  24. Frohmann, Bernd. 1994. "Discourse Analysis as a Research Method in Library and Information Science." Library & Information Science Research, 16(2): 119-138.
  25. Gorman, G.E., and Peter Clayton. ed. 2005. Qualitative Research for the Information Professional: A Practical Handbook. 2nd ed. Facet Publishing, London.
  26. Lincoln, Yvonna S. and Egon G. Guba. 1985. Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, Calif. : Sage Publication.
  27. Selden, Lars. 2005. "On Grounded Theory: With Some Malice." Journal of Documentation, 61(1): 114-129.
  28. Talja, Sanna. 1999. "Analyzing Qualitative Interview Data: The Discourse Analytic Method." Library & Information Science Research, 21(4): 459-477.
  29. Tan, Jin. 2010. "Grounded Theory in Practice: Issues and Discussion for New Qualitative Researchers." Journal of Documentation, 66(1): 93-112.
  30. Trace, Ciaran B. 2016. "Ethnomethodology: Foundational Insights on the Nature and Meaning of Documents in Everyday Life." Journal of Documentation, 72(1): 47-64.
  31. Westbrook, Lynn. 1994. "Qualitative Research Methods: A Review of Major Stages, Data Analysis Techniques, and Quality Controls." Library & Information Science Research, 16(3): 241-254.