Sonic and supersonic jets include many complicated flow physics associated with shock waves, shear layers, vortices as well as strong interactions among them, and have a variety of engineering applications. Much has been learned from the previous researches on the sonic and supersonic jets but quantitative assessment of these jets is still uneasy due to the high velocity of flow, compressibility effects, and sometimes flow unsteadiness. In the present study, the sonic jets issuing from a convergent nozzle were measured by PIV and Schlieren optical techniques. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) with Olive oil particles of $1{\mu}m$ was employed to obtain the velocity field of the jets, and the black-white and color Schlieren images were obtained using Xe ramp. A color filter of Blue-Green-Red has been designed for the color Schlieren and obtained from an Ink jet printer. In experiments, two types of sonic nozzles were used at different operating pressure ratios(NPR). The obtained images clearly showed the major features of the jets such as Mach disk, barrel shock waves, jet boundaries, etc.