언론사 공과대학 평가방향 및 기준에 대한 연구

A Study on Directions and Criteria for the Evaluation of Engineering College by the Media

  • 한지영 (대진대학교 공학교육혁신센터) ;
  • 이경우 (서울대학교 공과대학 재료공학부)
  • Han, Jiyoung (Innovation Center for Engineering Education, Daejin University) ;
  • Yi, Kyung-woo (Department of Materials Sci. & Eng, Seoul National Unviersity)
  • 투고 : 2017.04.25
  • 심사 : 2017.05.29
  • 발행 : 2017.05.31


This study was carried out with the aim of suggesting the directions and criteria for the evaluation of engineering college by the media. In order to accomplish the purpose of the research, we compare and analyze items and criteria of the evaluation of the engineering colleges by domestic and foreign major media companies and investigate and analyze opinions of the engineering community on the evaluation on engineering colleges and universities by media, and then suggest direction of improvements of the evaluation including evaluation items. As the methods of study, literature survey, field investigations, and interviews of experts were utilized. The results of this study are as follows. At first, the direction of evaluations should be focused on educational values of institutions, and then evaluation should consider the characteristics of each universities and engineering colleges. Expansion of participation of engineering communities in evaluation process is also necessary and to secure of reliable and public data is highly important. In addition, the weighting factor of educational performance area were proposed to raise and also the factors should be adjusted to reflect the characteristics of engineering colleges.



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