주거복지 분배 불평등 지수 연구

Analysis on the Inequality Indicator of the Housing Condition Distribution

  • 투고 : 2017.04.03
  • 심사 : 2017.04.24
  • 발행 : 2017.04.30


Purpose: Housing is the most essential element for well-being in a society. The government would continuously supply decent housings to make a better living condition for people. As various housing policies have been implemented into practice, the effectiveness of policies need to be assessed and improved to rearrange the financial resources. The indicators, such as quality of life, housing supply amount and etc, could be used to estimate housing policy to provide a guidance for a new policy direction. Though various indicators are utilized to assess the policy effect, most of the items are depend upon a relativeness in aspect to assessment goal, items, time and its weighting. Therefore, it needs an absolute indicator to compare the policy effectiveness regardless of time elapse or items. In this paper, it developed the housing welfare indicator to assess the level of living condition, utilizing the Gini coefficient which is used for explanation on income distribution. Method: To suggest an inequity indicator, this paper used Gini coefficient to explain the level of living condition which is used on economics to provide the level of income distribution. Data are collected through the Korea Housing Survey by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport between 2006 and 2014. Indicators of living condition focused on the development of the estimation model using the frequency of room use. Result: Gini coefficient between 2004 and 2014 is about 1.5 score except in year 2013, and the trend of score has been decreased slowly which means the inequality gradually improved. In this result, it implies the living condition and distribution level would be improved than before.



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