Concept and Development of Resident Training Program for General Competencies

전공의 공통역량의 개념과 개발

  • Lee, Sun Woo (Department of Psychiatry, Chungnam National University Hospital)
  • 이선우 (충남대학교병원 정신건강의학과)
  • Received : 2017.05.07
  • Accepted : 2017.06.27
  • Published : 2017.06.30


Resident training programs in South Korea lag far behind that of advanced countries. Given the problems the current system in South Korea has, it is time to consider a new resident training system, resident training for general competencies. Training for the general competencies was practiced in medical fields in advanced countries such as the USA, Canada, and the UK as early as 20 years ago. This system has rendered itself a key component of resident training. Although a few theoretical procedures on general competencies have been practiced in South Korea, the awareness of this concept is still very weak, and the application of the theory to actual training is a long way off from becoming effective. It is urgent for South Korea to adopt competency- and outcome-based training for general competencies. To this end, the knowledge of the concept of this type of training should be improved. Also, the system should be carefully designed to cover a doctor's whole career, and be applied immediately. The competency- and outcome-based training for general competencies is a system that assures high level qualifications. It reflects the needs of our society under the recognition that a professional organization should be committed and accountable in order to respond to social demands. As the benefits of the new training system reach the public and medical care consumers, training-related expenses should be borne by social costs.



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