A Study on the Influence of Self-leadership of Korean Aircraft Mechanics on Organizational Effectiveness (Including the mediating effect of their safety culture)

우리나라 항공정비사의 Self-Leadership이 항공정비조직의 조직효과성에 미치는 영향 연구 (안전문화 매개변수 중심으로)

  • Received : 2017.02.28
  • Accepted : 2017.06.26
  • Published : 2017.06.30


The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of self-leadership of Korean aircraft mechanics on organizational effectiveness and to investigate whether safety culture has mediating effect. The theory of leadership, which has emerged since the 1940s, has been an important and key research issue in the social sciences for the last decade and has evolved as a brand-new theory through the theory of characteristics, the theory of behavior, and the theory of situation. The new leadership theory has been extended to charismatic leadership, transformative leadership, empowerment leadership, super leadership, and self-leadership of organizational members as a new flow leadership. On the other hand, there was a precedent study on the relationship between leadership and safety culture, and this study started with interest in the relationship between self-leadership, safety culture and organizational effectiveness. As a result, safety culture has been proved to play an moderating variable in the relationship between self-leadership of Korean aircraft mechanics and organizational effectiveness. Especially, among the sub-factors of the self-leadership, self-goal setting, self-reward, and natural reward have been shown to affect organizational effectiveness in combination with the sub-factors of the safety culture, learning culture and flexible culture.



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