Development and comparative analysis of slat angle control algorithm of venetian blind according to window-to-wall ratio and zone orientation

창면적비 및 향변화에 따른 슬랫형 블라인드의 최적각도 제어 알고리즘 산출 및 비교분석

  • Received : 2017.06.13
  • Accepted : 2017.07.17
  • Published : 2017.08.30


Purpose: Most contemporary office buildings supply external views, a sense of openness and a sense of time to their occupants by adopting the curtain walls, which are equipped with an outer cover having large window area. As a result, the amount of radiation increases, adversely affecting cooling load during the summer in office buildings. Although solar radiation decreases heating load and reduces energy costs during the winter period, due to the characteristics of offices where occupants work largely during daytime, the cooling load is important compared to the heating. Therefore, diverse measures to resolve those trade-offs and annual energy cost have been investigated. Method: In this study, the annual thermal load was comparatively analyzed according to the slat angle of the venetian blind along with lighting control technique. Result: After selecting effective conditions, in order to resolve such issues, this study established automated control strategies of slat angle depending on the window-to-wall ratio and zone orientation, so that the findings of this study can be effectively generalized to other circumstances.



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Cited by

  1. Evaluation of Building Energy Saving Through the Development of Venetian Blinds’ Optimal Control Algorithm According to the Orientation and Window-to-Wall Ratio vol.39, pp.2, 2018,