How Query by humming, a Music Information Retrieval System, is Being Used in the Music Education Classroom

  • Received : 2017.08.13
  • Accepted : 2017.09.14
  • Published : 2017.09.30


This study does a qualitative and quantitative analysis of how music by humming is being used by music educators in the classroom. Music by humming is part division of music information retrieval. In order to define what a music information retrieval system is first I need to define what it is. Berger and Lafferty (1999) define information retrieval as "someone doing a query to a retrieval system, a user begins with an information need. This need is an ideal document- perfect fit for the user, but almost certainly not present in the retrieval system's collection of documents. From this ideal document, the user selects a group of identifying terms. In the context of traditional IR, one could view this group of terms as akin to expanded query." Music Information Retrieval has its background in information systems, data mining, intelligent systems, library science, music history and music theory. Three rounds of surveys using question pro where completed. The study found that there were variances in knowledge, training and level of awareness of query by humming, music information retrieval systems. Those variance relationships where based on music specialty, level that they teach, and age of the respondents.



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