A Development of a Framework Cost Estimation Model for the Digital Document Database Construction Projects

지식정보 구축 대가의 개발 : 국가직무표준(National Competency Standards)과의 통합 방안을 중심으로

  • Received : 2017.02.03
  • Accepted : 2017.08.16
  • Published : 2017.09.30


The reference guide for the cost of establishing the digital documents has been used as a basis for establishing the budget for the construction of the knowledge information resource. However, due to the abolition of the nominal unit price notification in terms of IT projects, it is necessary to conduct research to convert the standard of the current labor force grade standard to the national incompetency standard (NCS). In this study, we investigate and revise the system and contents of the current knowledge information cost estimation model. In specific, i) we conducted gap analysis of cost estimation model and existing NCS model. As the contents conforming for the construction of the knowledge information resource were not adoptable, we define the description of the construction of the knowledge information resource and to identify the core elements of NCS prior to the improvement of the cost model. ⅱ) then we proposed improve the cost model considering integration with newly proposed NCS model for knowledge information construction job. In order to ensure the validity of the application of NCS development and cost estimation model, the experts reviewed relevant contents and made plans for improvement by using experts from supply and demand groups of various fields of national knowledge informatization projects.



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