대학도서관의 메이커 스페이스 도입방안 연구

A Study on the Introduction of Makerspace at Academic Library

  • 투고 : 2017.08.20
  • 심사 : 2017.09.16
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


대학 도서관은 지식 창출의 촉진자로서 연구자들이 협업할 수 있는 공간으로, 캠퍼스 내 창조허브 센터로서 가장 이상적인 환경을 갖추고 있다. 최근 들어 4차 산업혁명과 창의적인 이론에 근거하여 국외의 경우 대학도서관에 메이커 스페이스가 점차 도입되고 있다. 대학도서관의 메이커 스페이스는 새로운 지식과 관심사의 발견, 실습, 학제 간 융합교육이 가능하게 하는 최적의 장소이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내외 대학 및 대학도서관 메이커 스페이스 사례 조사를 통해 국내 대학도서관의 메이커 스페이스 도입 방안을 제안하였다.

The academic library has the ideal environment as a facilitator of knowledge creation, as a space where researchers can collaborate and as a creation hub center on campus. Recently, based on the 4th Industrial Revolution and creative theories, the maker space is gradually being introduced into academic libraries in foreign countries. Maker Space of the academic library is the best place to discover new knowledge and interests, practice, and interdisciplinary education. In this study, we propose a plan to introduce the maker space of domestic university libraries through case studies of domestic and overseas university and university libraries.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국연구재단


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  2. Byun, Moon-Kyoung and Cho, Moon-Heum. 2016. "Analysis of Makerspace Users' Experiences and Suggestions for Science Education." Journal of the Korean Association for Research in Science Education, 36(2): 337-346.
  3. Chang, Yun-Keum. 2017. "A Study on the Concepts and Programs of 'Makerspaces' at Public Libraries." Journal of the Korean Library and Information Science Society, 51(1): 289-306.
  4. Hong, So-Ram and Park, Seong-Woo. 2015. "A Concept Analysis on Creative Zone in Public Libraries as Co-working Space." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 46(4): 245-269.
  5. Jung, A-Ran, Kim, Dong-Hoo. 2016. "A Study on the Children's Library Interior Spaces Using Maker Space." Korean Interior Design Society Conference Proceedings, 18(3): 170-174.
  6. Kim, So-Youn, Yu-Jin, Hwang, Yeon-Sook. 2016. "A Study on the Composition and Characteristic of Maker Space." Korean Interior Design Society Conference Proceedings, 18(1): 203-206.
  7. Noh, Young-Hee. 2014a. "A Study on Creating and Managing "Makerspaces" in Libraries." Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 31(1): 53-76.
  8. Noh, Young-Hee. 2014b. "A Study Suggesting the Development Direction of the Next Generation Digital Library." Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 31(2): 7-40.
  9. Noh, Young-Hee. 2016a. "A Study on Applying the Sharing Economy to Libraries." Journal of The Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science, 27(3): 75-98.
  10. Noh, Young-Hee. 2016b. Understanding the next generation digital library. Seoul: Chenglam.
  11. Noh, Younghee, Kang, Jung-A and Jung, Eun-Ji. 2015. "A Qualitative Evaluation Research on the Relationship Between Creative Thinking and an Infinite Creative Space Program." Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 46(2): 71-111.
  12. Anderson, C. 2012. Makers: The New Industrial Revolution. New York: Random House.
  13. Bieraugel, M. and Neill, S. 2017. "Ascending Bloom's pyramid: Fostering student creativity and innovation in academic library spaces." College & Research Libraries, 78(1).
  14. Burke, John. 2014. Makerspaces: A Practical Guide for Librarians. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
  15. Burke, John. 2015. "Making Sense: Can Makerspaces Work in Academic Libraries? " Association of College & Research Libraries: 497-504.
  16. Crumpton, M. 2015. "Fines, fees and funding: makerspacesstanding apart." The Bottom Line, 28(3): 90-94.
  17. Fisher, E. 2012. "Makerspaces move into academic libraries." ACRL TechConnect Blog, 28.
  18. Hatch, M. 2014. The maker movement manifesto. New York:McGraw-Hill Education.
  19. Kurti, R.S., Kurti, D.D. and Fleming, L.l. 2014. "Practical Implementation of an Educational Makerspace." TeacherLibrarian, 42(2): 20-24.
  20. Lee, Rebekah J. 2017. "Campus-Library Collaboration with Makerspaces." Public Services Quarterly, 13(2): 108-116.
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  23. Radniecki, Tara and Klenke, Chrissy. 2017. "Academic Library Makerspaces: Supporting New Literacies & Skills." Association of College & Research Libraries: 15-22.

피인용 문헌

  1. 도서관 3D 프린터 이용정책 분석 연구: 미국 도서관 우수사례를 중심으로 vol.50, pp.2, 2017,
  2. 대학도서관의 메이커스페이스 구축 및 운영 사례 연구 vol.50, pp.4, 2017,
  3. 공공도서관 메이커스페이스 담당자의 운영 경험 연구 vol.50, pp.4, 2019,
  4. 체계적 문헌고찰을 통한 메이커 교육 관련 연구 분석 vol.23, pp.6, 2017,