In this paper, We studied the possibility of SoC(System On Chip) design using infrared image processing IP(Intellectual Property). And, we studied NUC(Non Uniformity Correction), BPR(Bad Pixel Recovery), and CEM(Contrast Enhancement) processing, the infrared image processing algorithm implemented by IP. We showed the logic and timing diagram implemented through the hardware block designed based on each algorithm. Each algorithm was coded as RTL(Register Transfer Level) using Verilog HDL(Hardware Description Language), ALTERA QUARTUS synthesis, and programed in FPGA(Field Programmable Gated Array). In addition, we have verified that the image data is processed at each algorithm without any problems by integrating the infrared image processing algorithm. Particularly, using the directly manufactured electronic board, Processor, SRAM, and FLASH are interconnected and tested and the verification result is presented so that the SoC type can be realized later. The infrared image processing IP proposed and verified in this study is expected to be of high value in the future SoC semiconductor fabrication. In addition, we have laid the basis for future application in the camera SoC industry.