Figure 1. Extraction yield and total flavonoids of active ingredient from the wheat sprout using ultrasound-assisted extraction.
Figure 2. Response surface for yield of the wheat sprout at constant values as a function of time, ethanol concentration and power in UASE.
Figure 3. Perturbation plot for the effect of variables on extraction yield.
Figure 4. Response surface for total flavonoids of the wheat sprout at constant values as a function of time, ethanol concentration and power in UASE.
Figure 5. Perturbation plot for the effect of variables on total flavonoids.
Figure 6. Scatter plot of extraction yield and total flavonoids content from wheat sprout in UASE process.
Figure 7. Optimization graph of response surface for yield and total flavonoids of the wheat sprout in UASE.
Table 1. Basic Experiment Setup of Ultrasound-assisted Extraction
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