Figure 1. Schematic diagram of microwave oven setup for microwave heating of dielectric heating materials.
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of sewage sludge drying test.
Figure 3. Exothermic performance evaluations of test heating materials with different precursors (Li and Zn)(heating temperature: 1,400 ℃, gas: air, microwave condition: 500 W).
Figure 4. Exothermic performance of test heating materials: (a): B-9, (b): B-14.
Figure 5. SEM of B-9 with different conditions: (a): air, (b): N2, (c): Ar.
Figure 6. XRD patterns of B-9 with different conditions: (a): air, (b): N2, (c): Ar.
Figure 7. Exothermic performance of B-14 with different electrical power.
Figure 8. Moisture contents of sludge with or without B-14 (heating temperature: 1,400 ℃, gas: N2, microwave experiment: 500 W, 1 min).
Table 1. Notation of Various Dielectric Heating Materials
Table 2. Microwave heating test conditions
Table 3. Mass Contents of w/w% of Sewage Sludge at Microwave Drying System
Table 4. Moisture Contents of Sludge with or without B-14
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