Figure 1. XRD patterns of (a) Cu2O and (b) Cu@Ag particles with 8 at% Ag.
Figure 3. (a) SEM image and (b) EDS spectrum of Cu@Ag particles.
Figure 5. Line scanning analysis of a representative single Cu@Ag particle of 1.0 μm in size: (a) TEM image, (b) elemental EDS line profiling on the cross-section.
Figure 6. Elemental mapping analysis of a representative single Cu@Ag particle of 1.6 μm in size: (a) TEM image, and (b), (c) EDS mappings of Cu and Ag.
Figure 7. TG-DSC result of Cu@Ag particles with 8 at% Ag under dynamic heating of 5 ℃/ min to 550 ℃ in air.
Figure 8. Resistivity of the film containing Cu@Ag particles with various Ag contents after sintering at 180 ℃ in air.
Figure 9. Resistivity of the film containing Cu@Ag particles with 8 at% Ag after sintering at various temperatures in air.
Figure 2. (a) SEM micrographs and (b) EDS spectrum results of Cu@Ag particles with 8 at% Ag, the insert table is the composition of the particles.
Figure 4. Representative TEM micrographs of (a) Cu2O particles and (b) Cu@Ag particles with 8 at% Ag.
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