웨이블릿 퓨전에 의한 딥러닝 색상화의 성능 향상

High-performance of Deep learning Colorization With Wavelet fusion

  • 투고 : 2018.09.11
  • 심사 : 2018.10.26
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


We propose a post-processing algorithm to improve the quality of the RGB image generated by deep learning based colorization from the gray-scale image of an infrared camera. Wavelet fusion is used to generate a new luminance component of the RGB image luminance component from the deep learning model and the luminance component of the infrared camera. PSNR is increased for all experimental images by applying the proposed algorithm to RGB images generated by two deep learning models of SegNet and DCGAN. For the SegNet model, the average PSNR is improved by 1.3906dB at level 1 of the Haar wavelet method. For the DCGAN model, PSNR is improved 0.0759dB on the average at level 5 of the Daubechies wavelet method. It is also confirmed that the edge components are emphasized by the post-processing and the visibility is improved.


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그림 1. SegNet 구조 Fig. 1 SegNet architecture

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그림 2. SegNet 기반의 색상화 모델 Fig. 2 SegNet based colorization model

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그림 3. SegNet 기반의 색상화 결과 Fig. 3 SegNet based colorization results

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그림 4. 원본과 출력 이미지의 휘도 성분 비교 Fig. 4. Comparison of luminance components between ground truth and output images

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그림 5. DCGAN 기반 색상화 모델 학습 알고리즘 Fig. 5 DCGAN based colorization model training algorithm

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그림 6. DCGAN 기반의 색상화 모델 Fig. 6 DCGAN based colorization model

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그림 7. DCGAN 기반의 색상화 결과 Fig. 7 DCGAN based colorization results

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그림 8. 딥러닝과 웨이블릿 융합에 의한 색상화 Fig. 8 Colorization by deep-learning and wavelet fusion

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그림 9. 웨이블릿 변환 및 이미지 융합 Fig. 9 Wavelet transform and image fusion

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그림 10. SegNet 기반 색상화 이미지와 후처리에 따른 가시성 비교 Fig. 10 Comparison of visibility SegNet based colorization and post-processing

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그림 11. DCGAN 기반 색상화 이미지와 후처리에 따른 가시성 비교 Fig. 11 Comparison of visibility DCGAN based colorization and post-processing

표 1. 융합 파라미터에 따른 PSNR Table 1. PSNR according to fusion parameters

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표 2. 웨이블릿 기법과 분해단계에 따른 PSNR Table 2. PSNR according to wavelet method and each decomposition step

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