Fig. 1. Schematic diagrams of electrospinning process with (a) flat plate collector and (b) drum collector.
Fig. 2. Snapshots of droplet shapes as observed on the nozzle tip at different voltages: (a) 6 kV, (b) 8 kV, (c) 10 kV, (d) 13 kV.
Fig. 3. SEM images showing surface structures of PVA at different concentrations: (a) 6 wt%, (b) 9 wt%, (c) 13 wt%, (d) 25 wt%.
Fig. 4. SEM images showing surface structures of PVDF at different concentrations (Acetone:DMAc=3:1): (a) 5 wt%, (b) 10 wt%, (c) 15 wt%.
Fig. 5. SEM images showing surface structures of 10 wt% PVDF at different solvent ratios (Acetone:DMAc): (a) 1:1, (b) 3:1, (c) 9:1.
Fig. 6. Comparison of surface structures made by the electrospun 12.5 wt% PEO fibers on (a) flat plate collector and (b) drum collector at a rotational speed of 2800 rpm.
Fig. 7. Alignment of 10 wt% PEO fibers at different rotational speeds of drum collector. (a) 1500 rpm, (b) 2000 rpm.
Table 1. Electrospinning conditions.
Table 2. Viscosities and surface tensions of various PVA solutions.
Table 3. Viscosities and surface tensions of various PVDF solutions.
Table 4. Viscosities and surface tensions of PVDF solutions at different solvent ratios.
Table 5. Viscosities and surface tensions of various PEO solutions.
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