On the Effect of a Pilot Coding Education Support System for Complex Problem Solving Tasks

  • Jeon, Inseong (Gwangju Educational Research Information Service) ;
  • Song, Ki-Sang (Dept. of Computer Education, Korea National University of Education)
  • 투고 : 2018.10.17
  • 심사 : 2018.10.28
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


In the programming education, there is a great need of a teaching support system that can support the learner in the programming process regardless of the computer language due to instructor's difficulty of checking the progress of learners in real-time. Its importance is especially important in lower grade coding classes such as in K-12 education because they are not used to coding and so simple problems can be regarded as complex problems. For this, a pilot coding education support system based on Levenshtein distance algorithm which shows learners' progress to given solution in real-time was developed in order to help learners to solve complex problems easily, and the learners' motivation and self-efficacy was measured for estimating the usefulness of developed system targeting elementary school students. When the learners use the developed system, it was found that a statistically significant difference appears in the sub-factors of learning motivation compared with traditional class teaching environments. Among the sub-factors of self-efficacy, the efficacy dimension showed statistically significant difference too.


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Figure 1. Modules of developed pilot system

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Figure 2. The algorithm of the pilot version of coding education support system

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Figure 3. Two example tasks for creating code

Table 1. Tasks given to each class

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Table 2. Homogeneity Test of Groups for Measuring the Learning Motivation and Self-Efficacy

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Table 3. Post-test of Groups for Measuring the Learning Motivation and Self-Efficacy

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Table 4. Paired Samples t-Test of Group to Measure for Self-Efficacy

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