Exploring Elementary School Students' Image of Artificial Intelligence

인공지능에 대한 초등학생들의 이미지 탐색

  • Received : 2018.03.08
  • Accepted : 2018.05.07
  • Published : 2018.05.31


The current study explores students' views about artificial intelligence (AI) through analyses of their drawings and perceptions. The data were gathered from a total of 177 elementary school students. The constant comparative analysis was used as the data analysis method. Based on the result, the current study found that students' views about artificial intelligence were constructed into two distinct dimensions: form and relationship. The form dimension, students' views about artificial intelligence were categorized into human, household goods, machine, smart computer, electronic chip/algorithm, or the hybridized form related to the game of go such as AlphaGo. On the relationship dimension, students' views about artificial intelligence were categorized into servants, friends or enemy. Given the combination of two dimensions, the current study found two noted patterns. The first, students who viewed artificial intelligence as human form perceived artificial intelligence as a friend or an enemy. However, those who viewed artificial intelligence as non-human form perceived artificial intelligence as a servant or an enemy. Based on these results, educational implications related to the preparation of artificial intelligence era for elementary science education are discussed.



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