Numerical Column Model for Damaged Non-ductile Reinforced Concrete Frame Repaired Using FRP Jacketing System

초기 손상을 입은 비연성 철근콘크리트 골조의 FRP재킷으로 보수된 기둥의 수치해석모델

  • Shin, Jiuk (Department of Building and Urban Research, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology) ;
  • Jeon, Jong-Su (Department of Civil Engineering, Andong National University) ;
  • Kim, JunHee (Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Yonsei University)
  • 신지욱 (한국건설기술연구원 국민생활연구본부) ;
  • 전종수 (안동대학교 토목공학과) ;
  • 김준희 (연세대학교 건축공학과)
  • Received : 2018.05.29
  • Accepted : 2018.06.22
  • Published : 2018.07.01


Existing reinforced concrete building structures have seismic vulnerabilities under successive earthquakes (or mainshock-aftershock sequences) due to their inadequate column detailing, which leads to shear failure in the columns. To improve the shear capacity and ductility of the shear-critical columns, a fiber-reinforced polymer jacketing system has been widely used for seismic retrofit and repair. This study proposed a numerical modeling technique for damaged reinforced concrete columns repaired using the fiber-reinforced polymer jacketing system and validated the numerical responses with past experimental results. The column model well captured the experimental results in terms of lateral forces, stiffness, energy dissipation and failure modes. The proposed column modeling method enables to predict post-repair effects on structures initially damaged by mainshock.



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