Validity Study of Questionnaire Items of the Pilot Aptitude Personality Test

조종적성인성검사 문항개발 타당도 연구

  • 윤유경 (공군사관학교 인문학과) ;
  • 박세권 (중원대학교 항공운항학과)
  • Received : 2018.06.02
  • Accepted : 2018.06.30
  • Published : 2018.06.30


The pilot aptitude test so far has been conducted with a dichotomous concept of cognitive factor and non-cognitive factor, so it was not easy to explain concrete factors about pilot aptitude. Therefore, an integrated approach is needed to construct pilot aptitude test including all factors that can predict pilot aptitude. In previous study, we developed questionnaire items for the Pilot Aptitude Personality Test(PAPT) which can predict the flight training achievement through personality and personal characteristics. And those items were categorized as personality, cognition, and motivation factors. The flight training grades were correlated with all the test factors of the items, and the cognitive factors were high. As a result of the regression analysis, the total score of the three factors together accounted for 16% of the flight training grades. The results of the ANOVA showed that the cognition factors and motivation factors had significant effects on the completion of the flight training. The factors of PAPT predicted not only the completion of the flight training but also the flight performance. This is because the existing paper-pencil pilot aptitude test can only discriminate the flight training completion status. This is also a result of the fact that the introductory flight training consists of various factors including not only basic cognition but also personality and motivation.



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