편수 자료 이전의 수학 용어에 대해

On the Mathematical Terminology before the First Editing Material

  • Her, Min (Dept. of Math., Kwangwoon Univ.)
  • 투고 : 2018.03.26
  • 심사 : 2018.05.30
  • 발행 : 2018.06.30


At present, most of school mathematical terms in elementary and secondary curriculums of Korea are Sino-Korean words. 1964 Mathematical Editing Material, which aimed to unify mathematical terms into mainly Sino-Korean words, was considered a key factor for this situation. 1964 Editing Material depended heavily on 1956 Mathematical Terminology, which contains a lot of Korean native words and displays the school mathematical terms after 1945. There are many Korean native words in the Second Mathematical Curriculum. This shows that Korean native words of mathematics had been consolidated to some extent at that time. In North Korea, a lot of Korean native words are still used in mathematics. Some Sino-Korean words were recently changed to Korean native words in South Korea. 1956 Mathematical Terminology tells the method to make Korean native words of mathematics and will be an excellent guide for making Korean native words.



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