The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics and differences of gesture between career teachers and novice teachers in elementary science class. In order to analyze the gesture of elementary science teachers, gesture analysis framework was developed. The teachers who participated in the experiment were 2 beginner teachers and 2 career teachers. We analyzed 'bones and muscles', 'digestion', 'breathing', and 'excretion' of 'body' section in the second semester of 5th grade. The video recording of the class scene with the camcorder was recorded and analyzed by Observer XT. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the career teacher lessens unnecessary gestures than the novice teacher. During the class, the career teachers lessened the gestures not related to the context of the class. These differences were more prominent in the activities of the group with many unexpected situations than those of the teachers who prepared the class contents. Second, career teachers have more communication control act than novice teachers. Career teachers have often made adjustments to induce learner presentations or control unnecessary utterances. Third, career teachers efficiently interacted with learners using gestures that can enhance communication.