A Study on the Medical Ethics Education at Colleges of Korean Medicine

한의대 교과목으로서 의료윤리에 관한 고찰

  • Lee, Jeong-Won (Department of Healthcare Management College of Nursing and Healthcare Sciences and Human Ecology) ;
  • Lee, Hai-Woong (Department of Public Health and the Office of Korean Medicine Education, College of Korean Medicine, Dong-Eui University)
  • 이정원 (동의대학교 의료보건생활대학 의료경영학과) ;
  • 이해웅 (한의과대학 예방의학교실, 한의학교육실)
  • Received : 2018.06.01
  • Accepted : 2018.06.09
  • Published : 2018.08.31


Objectives : According to the data from the 2016 Yearbook of Traditional Korean Medicine, 10 out of 12 medical schools of Korean medicine are offering medical ethics. Medical ethics has become essential in Korean medicine education, but there has been no agreement on the content of education yet, so initial discussions are necessary with respect to the content and methods of education. Methods : In this study, basic data were collected by searching papers, reports, books, and media articles on medical ethics related to Korean medicine education, and by studying the website of medical schools of Korean medicine nationwide. Based on the collected data, the status of medical ethics lectures were determined and compared with the current state of medical ethics lectures by western medical schools. The contents suitable for medical ethics education at medical schools of Korean medicine were discussed. Results : The topics of the medical ethics include: the basic concepts of medical ethics, the ethics of birth, the ethics associated with genetics, the ethics associated with death, and the ethics regarding doctor-patient interaction, the ethics of medical research, medical rationing ethics, ethics between medical staffs, medical law and ethics, philosophical base of medical ethics, ethics of doctor as professional, and moral personality formation of doctor. The contents of medical ethics in traditional Korean medicine reflected views on the human body and life based on "Huangdi's Internal Classic"and medical ethics from the viewpoints of Buddhism and Confucianism. Conclusions : Medical schools of Korean medicine are medical training institutions, and medical ethics education is essential to become a Korean medicine doctor as professional worker, medical practitioner, and biomedical researcher. There is no fundamental difference in the basic principles of medical ethics in both western and Korean medicine, and there are differences in contents depending on the clinical practice. The contents of medical ethics on clinical practice should be modified for Korean medicine doctors, and traditional Korean medicine ethics would be set up upon that. In the national licensing examination, medical ethics needs to be added as one part so that all the ethical problems related to the clinical situation can be solved.



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