간호대학생의 불안, 공감능력, 자아탄력성과 임상수행능력과의 관계

Relationship of Anxiety, Empathy, Ego-resilience and Clinical Competency in Nursing Students

  • 김은희 (대구가톨릭대학교 간호대학/간호과학연구소)
  • 투고 : 2018.06.27
  • 심사 : 2018.08.22
  • 발행 : 2018.08.28


본 연구는 간호대학생의 불안, 공감능력, 자아탄력성과 임상수행능력의 정도와 변수들의 관계를 파악하기 위해 시도되었다. 2017년 12월 3일부터 15일까지 일 대학교 간호학과의 3학년과 4학년 197명을 대상으로 수집된 자료는 SPSS WIN 19.0(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA)프로그램을 사용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과 대상자의 불안은 평균 $2.16{\pm}.51$점, 공감능력 평균 $3.51{\pm}.36$점, 자아탄력성 $2.83{\pm}.44$점, 임상수행능력은 $3.65{\pm}.48$점이었다. 일반적 특성에 따른 임상수행능력은 전공만족도와 임상실습만족도에 유의한 차이를 나타내었으며, 임상수행능력은 불안과 부적 상관관계(r=-.37, p<.001), 공감능력과 정적 상관관계(r=.34, p<.001) 그리고 자아탄력성과 정적 상관관계를 나타내었다(r=.49, p<.001). 임상수행능력의 영향요인은 자아탄력성, 공감능력, 불안, 전공만족도와 임상실습만족도로 나타났으며, 이 변수들의 임상수행능력에 대한 설명력은 35.6%(F=21.16, p<.001)였다. 이에 간호대학생의 임상수행능력 향상을 위해 자아탄력성과 공감능력을 향상시키고 불안을 감소시키기 위한 중재와 프로그램 개발이 요구된다.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of anxiety, empathy, ego-resilience, and clinical competency of nursing students, and to examine the relationship of the variables. The participants were 197 nursing students. Data were collected from December 3 to 15, 2017 by taking a survey and analyzed with SPSS WIN 19.0 program(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The results of this study were as follows: The mean score of anxiety was $2.16{\pm}.51$, empathy was $3.51{\pm}.36$, ego-resilience was $2.83{\pm}.44$, and clinical competency was $3.65{\pm}.48$. There was significant differences in clinical competency by satisfaction with major, satisfaction with clinical practice. There were a negative correlation between clinical competency and anxiety(r=-.37, p<.001), a positive correlation between clinical competency and empathy(r=.34, p<.001) and a positive correlation between clinical competency and ego-resilience(r=.49, p<.001). Variables such as ego-resilience, empathy, anxiety, satisfaction with major and satisfaction with clinical practice explained 35.6% of variance in clinical competency. According to these result, there is a need to develop interventions and programs to increase the ego-resilience and empathy and to reduce the anxiety for improving clinical competency in nursing students.



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