A comparative study on Chinese batik of Miao and Buyi in GuiZhouSheng

중국 귀주성의 묘족과 포의족의 납염 비교 연구

  • Meng, Yu (Dept. of Fashion Design Information, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Choi, Jongmyoung (Dept. of Fashion Design Information, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Jiyoung (Dept. of Fashion Design Information, Chungbuk National University)
  • 멍위 (충북대학교 패션디자인정보학과) ;
  • 최종명 (충북대학교 패션디자인정보학과) ;
  • 김지영 (충북대학교 패션디자인정보학과)
  • Received : 2018.07.05
  • Accepted : 2018.08.03
  • Published : 2018.08.31


The purpose of this study is to comparatively examine techniques and expressive characteristics of batik by focusing on the work of DanZhai and that of ZhenNing Buyi. We collected 50 pieces of batik each from Miao and Buyi in Chinese GuiZhouSheng and then analyzed their colors and patterns. The findings show that most of Miao's batik had deep and soft tones, while that of Buyi most often had blackish tone since the number of dyes in the latter is higher than that in the former. Miao often used patterns expressing animals or animals and plants, while Buyi frequently used geometric ones. An examination of specific motifs demonstrated that butterflies, fish, and flowers were most often used by Miao, while dots, vortexes, lines, and lozenges were frequently utilized by Buyi. For expressive techniques, both Miao and Buyi commonly used simple stylized expression or complex expression combining stylized and geometric techniques. Maio's motifs were often decoratively expressed with delicate curves, while Buyi's motifs had simple structures, so pictures were neatly expressed with thick lines and wide and simple planes. For the composition of the motifs, incomplete symmetry between top and bottom and between left and right often appeared in Maio, while in Buyi complete symmetry was frequently shown.



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