국내 육성 FA종간잡종 나리 3품종의 생육특성 및 세포유전학적 분석

Growth Characterization and Cytogenetic Analysis of Three FA Interspecific Hybrid Lilies Bred from Korea

  • 황윤정 (삼육대학교 화학생명과학과) ;
  • ;
  • 김원희 (국립원예특작과학원 화훼과) ;
  • 임기병 (경북대학교 원예과학과) ;
  • 강윤임 (국립원예특작과학원 화훼과)
  • Hwang, Yoon-Jung (Departmet of Chemistry & Life Science, Sahmyook University) ;
  • Yan, Wang (Department of Convergence Science, Sahmyook University) ;
  • Kim, Won Hee (Floriculture Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science) ;
  • Lim, Ki-Byung (Deparment of Horticultural Science, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kang, Yun-Im (Floriculture Research Division, National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.08
  • 심사 : 2018.12.19
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원에서 육성된 formolongi-Asiatic (FA)종간잡종 나리 'Bonanza', 'Coral Candy', 'Purple Crystal'의 특성검정 및 FISH 분석을 통한 염색체 검경을 수행하였다. 'Bonanza', 'Coral Candy', 'Purple Crystal'의 개화시기는 6월 중하순, 중순, 상순으로 각각 중만생종, 중생종, 조생종에 해당한다. 개화방향은 3품종 모두 상향이며 약간의 향기를 가지고 있다. 절화장은 101.0cm('Purple Crystal')에서부터 142.3cm('Bonanza')로 초장 신장성이 우수하여 절화로서의 개발이 가능하다. 화폭은 'Bonanza'와 'Coral Candy'가 17,1cm, 16.9cm로 관찰되어 대형화로 분류되며 'Purple Crystal'은 12.3cm으로 좁으나 화폭이 4cm 이상으로 화폭이 안정적이다. 잎의 길이는 'Bonanza'는 15.7cm, 'Coral Candy'는 19.7cm, 'Purple Crystal'은 11.1cm로 관찰되었다. 염색체 분석 결과, 3품종 모두 3배체(2n=3x=36)로 관찰되었다. FISH 분석 결과, 'Bonanza', 'Coral Candy', 'Purple Crystal'의 5S/45S rDNA가 각각 4/11 loci, 4/12 loci, 4/11 loci로 관찰되었다. 3번 염색체를 제외하고 나머지 염색체에서 관찰되는 rDNA의 패턴이 달라 FISH 분석에 대한 결과는 품종을 구별하는 마커로 유용하게 이용 될 수 있을 것으로 기대할 수 있다.

The plant morphological and chromosome characteristics of 'Bonanza', 'Coral Candy' and 'Purple Crystal', a formolongi-Asiatic (FA) interspecific hybrid species bred at the National Institute of Horticultural Science, Rural Development Administration (RDA), were investigated in this study. The flowering time of these species were found to have some variation. 'Bonanza' flowers in the middle to late June (medium-late maturing cultivar), 'Coral Candy' in the mid of June (medium maturing cultivar), and 'Purple Crystal' was observed to be in early June (early maturing cultivar). The flowering direction of all three cultivars are upward facing flowers and having a weak fragrance. The height of the plants was recorded in the range between 101.0 cm ('Purple Crystal') to 142.3 cm ('Bonanza'), thus they are able to develop cut flowers with excellent stem elongation. Flower diameters of 'Bonanza' (17.1 cm) and 'Coral Candy' (16.9 cm) were classified to be large sized flowers. On the other hand, 'Purple Crystal' had a narrow flower diameter (12.3 cm) with an outer petal width of more than 4.0 cm. Leaf length was observed for 'Bonanza' (15.7 cm), 'Coral Candy' (19.7 cm), and 'Purple Crystal' (11.1 cm). Chromosome analysis was done using FISH technique. Results revealed that all three cultivars were observed as triploids (2n=3x=36). FISH analysis also showed 5S/45S rDNA of 'Bonanza', 'Coral Candy' and 'Purple Crystal' as 4/11 loci, 4/12 loci, and 4/11 loci, respectively. The results of the FISH analysis are useful as markers to distinguish cultivars, since the patterns of rDNA observed on the remaining chromosomes are significantly different except FISH patterns of chromosome #3.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 농촌진흥청


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피인용 문헌

  1. Achievement of Flower Breeding in Korea and its Prospects vol.52, pp.1, 2020,