AHP를 이용한 정보보안 요소의 중요도 평가: 국방기관 정보시스템 외주개발 사례

Assessing the Importance of Information Security Factors Using AHP: Case of Defense Agency's Outsourcing Development of Information Systems

  • 투고 : 2018.07.04
  • 심사 : 2018.08.17
  • 발행 : 2018.09.30


In this paper, we identify and evaluate the information security factors considered in outsourcing development of information systems for defense agency with analytic hierarchy process(AHP). To assess the information security elements, we prepared three groups including the experts of a defense agency, subcontractor managers and subcontractor practitioners who are involved in developing information systems. And the relative importance of security factors were analyzed using questionnaires and responses. As a result of analysis of 27 security factors, factors corresponding to human and physical security as a whole were evaluated as having higher importance. Although there are some differences in the ranking of some importance according to human roles, they can be positive for the implementation of complementary information security. And administrative security and technical security can be relatively insignificant considering that they can be considered as infrastructure of the overall information environment. The result of this paper will be helpful to recognize the difference of perception of information security factors among the persons in the organization where collaboration is activated and to prepare countermeasures against them.



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