A Study on Cognition about Personal Broadcasting

  • Lee, Yong-Whan (Dept. of Design & Broadcasting, Woosong Information College)
  • Received : 2018.08.10
  • Accepted : 2018.09.04
  • Published : 2018.09.28


Personal media centered on blogs, Twitter, and Facebook has opened up a personal broadcasting area while meeting platforms such as YouTube and Africa TV. Due to the many advantages and disadvantages of personal broadcasting, a study on it was necessary and statistical survey was conducted. The study conducted opinion survey of 118 university students on personal broadcasting. As a result, we are getting news using smartphones and mainly watching videos through YouTube, and watching videos type in the order of games, music videos and sports. Satisfaction rate of video was 72.4%, 80.2% of survey did not use paid services, experiences about personal broadcasting was 96.6% and 90.5% of survey the prospect of person broadcasting of the opinion that "it will be expanded". The first thing we want to be improved in personal broadcasting is the prevention of abusive language and hate speech. Second, we were reluctant to sensational content. Third, the survey results are the improvement of excessive advertising.



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