Effect of Trunk Side Shift Exercise on the Trunk Muscle Activation of Patients with Idiopathic Scoliosis

몸통 가쪽이동 운동이 척추옆굽음증 환자의 몸통근육의 근활성도에 미치는 영향

  • Lee, Woo jin (Department of Physical Therapy, Gangneung Youngdong University)
  • Received : 2018.11.30
  • Accepted : 2018.12.26
  • Published : 2018.12.31


Purpose: This study investigated scoliosis muscle activity after the trunk side shift exercise. Methods: Fifty-eight subjects (control group=30, scoliosis group=28) participated in this study. The patients with idiopathic scoliosis were randomly divided into two groups: the side shift exercise (SSE) group and the trunk stabilization exercise (TSE) group. The SSE group performed SSE with chair training for eight weeks. A one-way ANOVA test was carried out to compare the results within the idiopathic scoliosis patient group prior to and after different exercise methods. Result: The muscle activity differences of the TPS, LPS, and latissimus dorsi muscles significantly decreased in all idiopathic scoliosis exercises groups after training. According to the exercise method, the TPS differed between the control group (CG) and TSE group and between the SSC and TSE groups. The LPS and latissimus dorsi muscles showed differences between the CG and TSE groups. Conclusions: This study found that the side shift exercise effectively improve spine muscles. The side shift exercise was performed using chairs that were designed for this study. Thus, this method is easily accessible for busy students who are exposed to scoliosis or spinal disorders that are caused by a pattern of inactivity.



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