Comparative Study of a Startup Ecosystem in Seoul, Korea and Chengdu, China

한국과 중국 청두의 창업생태계 비교에 관한 연구: 질적 연구를 중심으로

  • Received : 2018.09.10
  • Accepted : 2018.10.30
  • Published : 2018.10.31


While strong investments on startup and venture ecosystem prosper worldwide, growing interest on nurturing startup ecosystem in Korea is also on its way. However, korean entrepreneurial ecosystem currently results few successful business models with those continuous development of itself compared to the one in China, which is breeding more than 50% of unicorns internationally. Accordingly, this study examined how people in the venture ecosystem, especially in IT industry feel about themselves and startup itself and compared startup ecosystem in Seoul, Korea to the one in Chengdu, China considering each of economic, social and administrational environment. The study tried to provide an implication about the future orientation of Korea's starup and venture ecosystem to policy makers and the ones inside the environment to make a better one. Therefore, the study choose Seoul, Korea and Chengdu, China as geological specimens of startup ecosystem and conduct qualitative study by interviewing selected ones who work in startup incubator, accelerator specified to IT industry and started their own business in IT industry funded by startup reward program. The study categorize the result in social, economic, and administrative parts and screens whether the interviewees from both Korea and China have similar opinions toward each of questions and can be translated to have tendency or not in each part of study. According to the study, the national recognition of startup should be moved from means of maintenance such as restaurants, franchise business to IT startup especially based on software business for the sustainable flourish in Korean venture ecosystem. Investors including accelerator, Angel investors and VCs should be less risk-aversion and therefore prefer stake purchase to solely giving subsidies. The role of governors should be limited to be a middleman of the network, connecting each people in need inside the ecosystem and their reward program should focus on nurturing the growing ones, not just multiplying the numbers of startups to expand the size of entrepreneurial ecosystem. Since this study indicated that entire revision of startup ecosystem should be applied to make a better one, it could be used to design future entrepreneurial infrastructure and the ways of activating startup ecosystem elsewhere in Korea.

세계 각국의 창업 활성화를 위한 노력과 더불어 한국의 창업에 대한 관심 역시 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 그러나 한국의 창업생태계는 발전을 거듭하고 있음에도 불구하고 성공 모델을 지속적으로 양성하지 못한다는 한계를 지닌다. 이에 본 연구는 한국의 서울, 중국의 청두를 지리적 표본으로 선정하여 해당 지역의 창업생태계에서 기술창업 중심의 창업보육센터 종사자, 창업가와 인터뷰를 진행하고 그 결과를 사회, 경제, 정책적 부분으로 나누어 비교하고자 한다. 본 연구는 한국의 창업생태계의 발전을 위해 먼저 창업에 대한 인식이 생계형 창업에서 소프트웨어 기반 기술창업으로 이전되어야 하며, 투자환경 내 투자자는 단발적 지원금 대신 합자, 지분 매수와 같은 적극적인 투자방법을 써야 한다는 시사점을 제공했다. 또한 정부는 단순히 창업기업의 수를 늘리는 것이 아니라 스타트업의 성장에 초점을 맞추어 지원해야 한다는 결론을 도출했다는 점에서 향후 창업인프라 조성과 창업생태계 활성화 방안 마련 등의 정책자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.



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