치과위생사의 직무만족에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰

A Systematic Literature Review on Job Satisfaction of Dental Hygienist

  • 임순연 (남서울대학교 치위생학과) ;
  • 박지현 (남서울대학교 일반대학원 치위생학과)
  • Lim, Soon-Ryun (Department of Dental Hygiene, Namseoul University) ;
  • Park, Ji-Hyeon (Department of Dental Hygiene, The Graduate School of Namseoul University)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.30
  • 심사 : 2019.01.20
  • 발행 : 2019.01.28


본 연구는 치과위생사의 직무만족에 대한 선행연구 결과를 체계적으로 수집, 분석하여 직무만족 측정도구와 관련요인에 대한 분석을 실시하였다. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis)의 체계적 문헌고찰 가이드라인에 의거하여 수행되었으며 최종 분석에 사용된 문헌은 44편이었다. 직무만족을 측정하기 위하여 사용된 측정도구는 모두 10개이다. 모두 국외에서 개발된 것이며 수정하여 사용되었다. 문헌 분석 결과 직무만족이 높을수록 이직의도, 직무스트레스에 음의 상관관계이며, 조직몰입, 전문직업성에서는 양의 상관관계가 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 직무만족과 다양한 변인 간의 상관관계 및 영향 요인에 국한되어 분석하였으며 향후 본 연구 결과를 기초로 하여 치과위생사의 직무만족 향상에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되길 기대한다.

This study systematically collected and analyzed the results of previous studies on job satisfaction of dental hygienists and analyzed the job satisfaction measurement tools and related factors. It was conducted according to the systematic review guidelines of PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis), and 44 articles were used in the final analysis. In order to measure job satisfaction, ten measuring tools were used. All the measuring tool were developed overseas and they were modified. As a result of the literature analysis, the higher the job satisfaction, the more negative correlation was found between turnover intention and job stress, and positive correlation was found between organizational commitment and professional occupation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between job satisfaction and various variables and to investigate the improvement of job satisfaction of dental hygienist based on the results of this study.


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Fig. 1. Flow chart of study selection process

Table 1. General Characteristics of Reviewed Articles

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Table 2. Original Job Satisfaction Measurement Tool and Sub-domains

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Table 3. Job Satisfaction Measurement Tool Used in Literature

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Table 4. Job Satisfaction Related Factors

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