Fig. 1. Utility-pipe conduit
Fig. 2. WGS84[8]
Fig. 3. longitude and latitude’ point of intersection
Fig. 4. The intersection of time
Fig. 5. Two construction projects
Fig. 6. Intersections occurred
Fig. 8. How to recover after drilling[10]
Fig. 9. Before comparing priorities
Fig. 10. After comparing priorities using topological sorting
Fig. 11. Program capture screen
Fig. 12. Registrate the Road construction
Fig. 13. Two road construction
Fig. 14. Interference occur Sewer pipe construction
Fig. 15. Interference occur Electric power construction
Fig. 16. Interference occur Communication construction
Fig. 17. Complete Planning system
Fig. 7. Location of Urban facility[10]
Table 1. Research Trends
Table 2. Common Data
Table 3. GIS Data
Table 4. Time Data
Table 5. Duplicate time information
Table 6. Urban Facility Priority
Table 7. Common data and GIS data Table
Table 9. longitude and latitude table at midpoint
Table 10. Time data table
Table 11. Time duplication does not occur
Table 12. Before comparing time data Index 2 and 3
Table 13. After planning schedule Index 2 and 3
Table 14. Before comparing time data Index 2 and 4
Table 15. After planning schedule Index 2 and 4
Table 16. Before comparing time data Index 3 and 4
Table 17. After planning schedule Index 5 and 6
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