미니멀 아트의 장소특정성의 한계 : 도널드 저드의 작품을 중심으로

Limitations of Site-Specificity in Minimal Art: Focusing on Donald Judd's works

  • 투고 : 2018.12.14
  • 심사 : 2019.02.12
  • 발행 : 2019.02.28


Minimal art, which began to flourish in the mid-1960s, explores perceptual situations caused by the involvement of objects in given site contexts. This has led to the mentions of minimal art as a site-specific art, but its limitations have also been pointed out. This study specifically addresses the limitations of minimal art as a site-specific art with two perceptual points of view. First, according to Michael Fried, situations described as 'now here' focus largely on the bodily experiences of a place. However, they do not rooted in specific time and space of a certain place. Second, the unique characteristics of a certain place are excluded from the perception of the body which occupies the passage of time. Self-sufficient algorithm, which is far from site-specific conditions, is the autonomous system creating the period in the way of arrangement of objects. In addition, Minimal art regards a body only as the objectivity excluding the subjectivity which is essential creating meaning in a place. In the latter part of the article, these features are dealt with through Donald Judd's works. This study on site-specificity also provides a new perspective on the discussion of Minimal architecture and Minimal landscape.



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