Fig. 1. Geometry of launch vehicle
Fig. 2. Unstructured hexa grid system
Fig. 3. Drag coefficients with invicid and various turbulent models at Ma=0.8
Fig. 4. Distributions of Mach number and pressure coefficient
Fig. 5. Distributions of Mach number with angle of attack at Ma=0.8
Fig. 6. Variations of drag coefficients on body and tail regions with Mach number
Fig. 7. Variations of drag coefficients with angle of attack and Mach number
Fig. 8. Distributions of pressure coefficient on tail surface of launch vehicle at Ma=0.8 (left: AOA=2.5°, right: AOA=5.0°)
Fig. 9. Variations of lift coefficients with angle of attack and Mach number
Fig. 10. Distribution of Mach number over launch vehicle body (α=7°, ω=600rpm, Ma=0.2)
Fig. 11. Distribution of streamlines over launch vehicle body (α=7°, ω=600rpm, Ma=0.2)
Fig. 12. Distribution of Mach number at sea level(left) and altitude of 7.2km(right)
Fig. 13. Distribution Mach number over launch vehicle with nozzle
Fig. 14. Distribution of Mach number over launch vehicle with thrust
Table 1. Comparison of the drag coefficient at sea level and altitude of 7.2km
Table 2. Drag coefficients with nozzle and thrust
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