Fig. 1. Experimental setup for measurements of velocity of ionic wind
Fig. 2. Schematic of mockup with located electrodes
Fig. 3. Mesh electrodes with various hole diameters
Fig. 4. Measurement method for reduction of intensity by time; a) Before use of MTC and b) After use of MTC
Fig. 5. Procedure of image processing for drying efficiency; a) Photographed images during experiment, b) Histogram analysis for binarization and c) Counting pixels in binarized images
Fig. 6. Comparison between measured velocity and empirical model according to electric potential for a) 6kV, b) 7kV, c) 8kV, d) 9kV and e) 10kV
Fig. 7. Comparison between measured velocity and empirical model according to hole diameter for a) 6mm, b) 10mm and c) 16mm
Fig. 8. Schematic of electric field and magnitude of velocity of ionic wind for a) D = 6mm and b) D = 16mm
Fig. 9. Reduction of acetone mass by time with and without ionic wind for various contact diameters
Fig. 10. Electric efficiency for different contact area with ionic wind and fan
Fig. 11. Reduction of normalized reflected intensity according to time with and without ionic wind
Table 1. Maximum velocity of ionic wind and empirical constant for various hole diameters of mesh
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