A study on the interest in nail and the using self - nail products depending on ages

연령에 따른 네일 관심도 및 셀프네일 제품 사용실태에 관한 연구 - 경남지역을 중심으로

  • 홍다검 (창신대학교 미용예술학과)
  • Received : 2018.10.25
  • Accepted : 2019.03.05
  • Published : 2019.03.31


This study was conducted to identify the using self-nail products for the purpose of developing indicators to respond to changes in nail industry due to the evolution of consumption patterns caused by the spread of self-nail culture. The final analysis of 293 survey was conducted on female adults living in South Gyeongsang Province from September 1, 2018 to October 30, 2018. The study found that women in their 20s were more interested in nail care than in most cases. The main route of obtaining nail-related product information was the higher the use of SNS as the age was younger(${\chi}^2=185.048$, p<.001). According to a survey of 165 people who have experience with self-nail products, 53.3 percent of 'paste stickers' were the most common, followed by 39.4 percent of 'paste nail tips' and 7.3 percent of 'home care products'. Looking at the disadvantages of self-nail products, between groups under their 50s and over 50s group saw a significant difference(${\chi}^2=27.032$, p=.008). For those in their 50s or younger, 'the inconvenience of daily life' was considered a disadvantage. On the other hand, people in their 50s and older considered 'short duration' as a disadvantage. The lower the age, the higher the willingness to use continuously(${\chi}^2=14.308$, p=.006).We found that there were differences in preference for self-nail products according to age. It was noticed that there were differences in satisfaction and persistence. This suggests the need for more specific follow-up studies on the use of self-nail products by age group. Therefore, this research aims to present basic data for the development of direction and custom program for the professional nail industry to advance, thus providing basic data to help the development of nail industry in South Gyeongsang Province.


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Fig. 1 Research Model Diagram

Table 1. General characteristics of respondents

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Table 2. Main route for nail-related product information

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Table 3-1. Nail Management Interest Level

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Table 3-2. Nail Management Interest Level

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Table 4. Experience using self-nealing products

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Table 5. Self-Nail Product Usage Instrument

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Table 6. Reasons for Self-Nail Products

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Table 7-1. Optimal Price of Self-Nail Products

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Table 8. Advantages of Self-Nail Products

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Table 7-2. Optimal Price of Self-Nail Products

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Table 9. Self-Nail Products Disadvantages

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Table 10. Persistence of Self-Nail Products

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