Comparison of Skin Condition Before and After Use of Scrub Cosmetics and Microscopic Characteristics of Microbeads

스크럽 화장품의 사용 전과 후의 피부상태 비교와 이에 첨가된 마이크로비드의 현미경적 특성

  • Kim, Hoon (Department of Phamaceutics & Biotechnology, Konyang University) ;
  • Chang, Byung-Soo (Department of Cosmetology, Hanseo University)
  • 김훈 (건양대학교 제약생명공학과) ;
  • 장병수 (한서대학교 보건학부 피부미용화장품과학과)
  • Received : 2019.05.03
  • Accepted : 2019.06.20
  • Published : 2019.06.28


In this study, the change of skin condition was analyzed by skin analysis equipment using scrub cosmetics, and the morphological characteristics of microbead were observed by dermascope and scanning electron microscope. In the dermascope observation, during the process of cleansing, the microbeads attached to the skin existed in close contact with each other or dispersed. The skin after scrubbing was clean and smooth and the fine wrinkles between epidermal keratinocytes were reduced. In the scanning electron microscopic observation, the microbead surface did not have severe bending or rough surface. The skin moisture and oil content were higher than the scrub skin before the scrub, and there was no significant difference in the pH.

본 연구는 스크럽 화장품을 사용하여 피부상태의 변화를 피부분석장비로 분석하고 마이크로비드의 형태적 특징을 더마스코프와 주사전자현미경으로 관찰하였다. 더마스코프 관찰에서 클렌징을 하는 과정 중의 얼굴피부에 붙어있는 마이크로비드는 서로 밀착되어 존재하고 있거나 분산되어 있었다. 클렌징 한 피부는 깨끗하고 매끄럽게 관찰되었으며 표피 각질세포들 사이의 미세한 주름이 줄어든 것을 확인하였다. 주사전자현미경 관찰에서 구슬모양의 마이크로비드 표면은 심한 굴곡이나 거친 표면을 가지고 있지 않았다. 스크럽을 하기 전과 후의 유분, 수분, pH의 변화를 비교분석한 결과 스크럽을 하기전의 피부가 스크럽 후의 피부보다 수분과 유분의 함량이 높게 나타났고 pH의 변화는 큰 차이가 없었다.


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Fig. 1. Dermascopic image of woman's facial skin after applying daily makeup. Cosmetic ingredients are mixed with oil and sweat secreted from the skin. Arrows: vellus hair. 20x

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Fig. 2. Dermascopic image of facial skin after cleansing the cosmetic membrane with tepid water. Arrow: vellus hair. 20x

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Fig. 3. Dermascopic image of facial skin peeling with scrub cosmetics showing the microbeads(MB) are clumped. 20x

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Fig. 4. Dermascopic image of facial skin peeling with scrub cosmetics showing the clear skin between microbeads(MB). Arrow: vellus hair. 20x

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Fig. 5. Dermascopic image of facial skin peeling with scrub cosmetics showing microbeads(MB) and short terminal hair(asterisk). 20x

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Fig. 6. Low magnification scanning electron micrograph of microbeads(MB) added to scrub cosmetic

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Fig. 7. Scanning electron micrograph of a microbead sphere. The surface of the microbead is slightly curved but not rough

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Fig. 8. Dermascopic image of clean skin after scrubbing. Arrow: vellus hair. 20x

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Fig. 9. Changes in face skin moisturizing rate before and after use of scrub cosmetics

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Fig. 10. Changes of face skin sebum index measured before and after use of scrub agent

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Fig. 11. Changes in facial skin pH before and after use of scrub cosmetics


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