Building A Measurement Model of Indicators of National Cultural Power as a Form of National Power and Its Application to the G20 Nations

국력으로서의 문화력 측정지표 모형 개발 및 G20 국가들에 대한 적용

  • 황성돈 (한국외국어대학교 사회과학대학 행정학과)
  • Received : 2019.08.08
  • Accepted : 2019.08.16
  • Published : 2019.08.31


In this paper, a theoretical measurement model for comparing cultural power of nations as a form of national power is built and applied to the G20 nations. The measurement model is drawn from the literature of the state theories regarding culture, theories of epistemology, and debates about the sources of national power. Taking the multiple indicator approach, indicators reflecting diverse aspects of cultural power are developed are developed. Examined with empirical data, this model is proved as appropriate as a tool for measuring and comparing the cultural power of nations. Diverse aspects of the cultural power of the G20 nations are ranked and interesting points regarding the state and potential of Korean culture and her cultural governance in these respects are elaborated. The overall ranking of the cultural power of Korea is found as the $11^{th}$ while the U.S., U.K. and France respectively as the $1^{st}$, the $2^{nd}$, and the $3^{rd}$. The U.S. is ranked as the 1st in all three aspects of the cultural power of nation: cultural attractiveness, efforts to enhance the national cultural power, and cultural base of a nation. Korea is ranked as $14^{th}$, $11^{th}$, and $6^{th}$ respectively in these three respects of the national cultural power. Based upon typological analysis of the cultural power of Korea, it is found that Korea belongs to Type III. Trying to move eventually toward Type I state via Type II is suggested as a strategy movement for future cultural governance by Korean government and people to enhance her national cultural power.



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